Date: June 26th, 2017 | Written by:

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by admin

Think to yourself for a moment and imagine – how many letters for direct mail sales have made a one-way trip from your mailbox to your recycling bin? Even if the direct mail ads came from local companies in Northern Virginia, Maryland or Washington DC, why weren’t these messages worth your time? Was there an overwhelming amount of information poured out at you?

Did the direct mail sales letter look like a college essay instead of an appealing, colorful message? Here are some valuable tips to keep in mind before writing a direct mail sales letter to get the benefits of your services and products viewed by decision makers and potential customers.

Postage Reply Mail26

Show potential partners and consumers how serious you are about working with them or for them by including a business reply card for them to respond. Make the investment on the stamped envelope for them to respond to your inquiry. Don’t lose an opportunity by making them pay for postage.

More White Space

When readers are confronted with large blocks of text and endlessly long paragraphs, they get turned off and resist reading.  Stick to short paragraphs, bulleted points, or numbered lists. This gives reader’s eyes some room to breathe.

One Page Limit

Keep your direct mail sales letter short and to the point by keeping it all to one page. Company presidents, purchasing agents, engineers, and decision makers have enough to do already to be overwhelmed with multiple pages of information from you.

Give Risk-Free Offers

Let’s face it – people are interested in things that are free. They have to think twice, or not at all when things cost money or take too much effort to receive. Offer the recipient of your direct mail’s sales pitch something for free – at no risk to them. Consider product samples or free tutorials.

Share Testimonials

Prove the effectiveness of your products or services by finding some reputable and satisfied users to share their testimonies in your direct mail sales letter. You definitely need their signed authorization to do so.

Include a Deadline

Definitive deadlines increase people’s desire to respond because of the limited time that they have to act.


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