Date: October 2nd, 2017 | Written by:

Last Updated on September 29, 2020 by admin

A successful direct mail campaign can consist of commercial printing of brochures, coupons, and postcards with the goal of establishing or increasing the awareness of a business’ brand and its products and services. But before it is possible to gain the satisfaction of sales and positive word-of-mouth that can be achieved with a prestigious direct main marketing effort, be sure to take notes and implement these direct mail advertising strategies we have highlighted for you.

Understanding Direct Mail Advertising

It is important to understand that direct mail advertising is your opportunity to tailor-make your  marketing to meet or exceed the expectations of your core customer base. You are cultivating and delivering a tangible element that they can keep and develop an ingrained memory of the services and products you offer.

Commercial printing of direct mail marketing materials can consist of coupons, postcards, and brochures. But creating these items isn’t the end of the story. You must also have a direct mailing list of people you can convert into customers. If you are using via U.S. Postal Service, make sure you are aware of the USPS guidelines for direct mail prior to beginning your deliveries.

Advice for Direct Mail

Take time to understand your potential customers, and don’t overwhelm them with crazy graphics that will be more distracting than informative. Utilize one larger font for the headline, and another smaller different font type for the core campaign content. Be sure to add your company’s contact information where it can easily be found – typically at the bottom.

Clear Campaign Communication

Make your marketing campaign message memorable and intriguing – such as spreading the word about a new discount sale. The pictures, words, and colors need to fit right in with your company brand as well as your industry.

Concise Call to Action

Your direct mail marketing pieces need to announce a clear “call to action” message that indicates what steps you want your audience to take after they finish reading this ad. Make the statement stand out from the rest of the campaign message. The “call to action” should be displayed at least once on the front and also on the back of the direct mailing advertisements.


Launchmark Printing Department
Springfield, Fairfax County, Northern Virginia
Call: 703-879-8654